Emasary Graphics Home Page


Emasary Graphics provides 2D CAD drafting in AutoCAD-compatible formats. EG specialize in cost effective solutions for small businesses, including architects, engineers, developers, and small project builders. Additionally, EG provides CAD and SketchUp training for small businesses, and can help with recommendations regarding software and hardware. For one of EG's clients, a builder specializing in outdoor decks, EG actually trained the office secretary in CAD so she could draft, update, and print simple drawings from the office computer. Click here for sample drawing sets in PDF format. Click here for more information on training.

Emasary Graphics Home Page

New Residence with ADU and Detached Garage Assisted Living Facility Interior Elevations Kaufmann Residence
Updated and coordiinated architectural and engineering plans over the course of the building permit process. Floor plans, originally provided as single line drawings, were expanded to meet California standards.

This project, with the exception of the site, was completely measured and drafted by Emasary Graphics

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Emasary Graphics has provided training in AutoCAD and SketchUp to both small businesses with in-house drafting needs capabilities and at the community college level. If the expense of CAD drafting has prevented you from exploring this option for your firm, EG can assist you in the selection of cost-effective software.

AutoCAD Commands SketchUp Cheat Sheet

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